Hola Amigos! For our next olympix event, Pablo, will be spelling his name. Big P, little a. Little b, little l, little o, that spells Pablo! Can't tell ya'll how long this took Pablo. Dude gets fixated on something and there is just no turning his brain off! Once he commits, he's full steam ahead! Sometimes, Moonshine and him can spend hours doing nothing and laughing about it. Those two crack me up!
Take for example this name spelling contest. Those two knuckle heads spent hours stomping down the snow. They even got me in on it. Anywho, we got his name spelled out and he was like, "I can't see it!" So he got off the lake and stood on high.
I aint never seen him look so dignified. I was impressed by Pablo's determined look and mighty intense gaze. When he tries, he looks fierce. Anyway, I got some more pages off to Nerd Chick. She sure doesn't take long to get them back. Hope ya'll like them, take care, Henry Ranger.
Setchra smiles. “You will fear me less,” she heaves, snapping her tail, “when I walk on two legs like you.”