So here's a funny thing, I've been keeping my distance from Moonshine, Not My Daughter (Audrey), & Pablo. You'd think Moonshine and Pablo would show some loyalty to their best buddy, but nope... they chummed right up to this perfect stranger. Didn't take Moonshine long to offer her his sleeping bag as you can plainly see here.
I've learned a strong lesson from all of this. There is an economy to friendship. Two currencies control friendship behaviors; 1) Time & 2)Active engagement. In my absence, Audrey is spending more time with Moonshine and Pablo. In turn, they are actively engaging with her. The return on their friendship is that they are growing closer as I am growing further apart. On the flip side of that coin, the longer I stay away from Audrey, the more she keeps her distance from me as you can plainly see here.
As a result, I'm losing friends and she's gaining them. I suppose the purpose of economics is to grow and I am growing in heart felt hurt. Not being able to engage Moonshine in debate is causing a constant pain in my chest that is nothing like the heart burn Pablo's tacos. To be honest, I miss my buddies.
Audrey don't need my friends. She's on her phone all the dang time texting her friends and telling them how much fun she's having. Not sure why she aint returned home with them, but I thought she'd blast out of here by now. Instead, she's just finding ways to adapt, which makes me wonder how much longer she's going to hang around. While we fish, she charges her phone over by an RV power post. When she gets cold, she goes inside the visitor center. Not sure how she's eating yet, cause she don't like fish nearly as much as we do and I never see her eating. Well anyway, Moonshine thinks she should put some of her pictures up here and since I don't want to piss Nerd Chick off, I'm going to let her. See, that's the economics of friends... except they keep getting what they want, and I never get what I want.
Anywho, here's some more of the book. Hope ya'll enjoy it.
Chapter 4 (continued)
“Oh no…,” she whispers, pinching
her thumb to her forefinger, then moves them apart again. She feels her fingers
stick together. “Tis sticky,” she whimpers and attempts to wipe the pinesap on
her dress. “Tis very sticky,” Princess grumbles and her tummy grumbles after.