Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Christmas... Bah! Humbug!

I aint exactly one for Christmas. It just seems like such a crock. Here are a couple of good reasons why I aint a Holiday cheer mister. 
1) If you are Christian, and you read them scriptures, answer me how lambs was being born in the winter. It just don't happen. For that reason, it's pretty dang obvious this holiday is celebrated at a time when it shouldn't be. Don't that seem obvious Christmas is a fraud? 

2) Santa Claus. I aint gonna dive too deep into this one, but come on ya'll. Does it seem right we push Mr. C on kids? I don't really think so. Course, if he'd bring me a gift, I might change my mind. 

3) Corporations and Government need a holiday to stimulate the economy. I mean heck, most businesses project future earnings based off Christmas sales right? Don't that say it's all about the Benjamin's and not about Christ?

For these reasons, I'm not a huge fan of Christmas. Course that don't stop Pablo from celebrating, but as far as this grinch is concerned... I aint a believer. That's not to say Nerd Chick aint hard at work. If you look below, I did get a gift from that beautiful girl who is a Nerd... and a Chick. Check it out... If ya'll live in the Berkley area, you can go and get my book at Pegasus now. I can't tell you how glad I am that Pegasus in my book is at Pegasus book stores! That freaking rocks! 

Pretty easy to see this joint from the street. Just look for a big orange banner.  

I really like their brand! I wish Nerd Chick would have shot me a pic of this neon sign at night. 

Anyway, just go on in and you'll see it right next to them Harry Potter books. Have yew a good un and remember...

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