Monday, December 14, 2015

All by myself...

In life, you truly don't need no one or nuthin. That's what I used to believe. Now my beliefs is all mixed up. I'm just sort of Pablo went to visit family for Christmas. Maybe for good?!? So here I sit on the edge of lake Tahoe, listening to the latest music recommendations on my new Iphone 6, "Edge of Glory." Aint feeling sorry for myself though. Just sort of kickin it wondering what a body is supposed to do next. I hate the silence. It annoys me. I'll chime in when I have internet at the local library. Till then readers, keep on keepin on!



Tuesday, May 26, 2015

How do you know when something is dead?

It aint got a heart beat and it's body is cold. No warmth in the eyes. Not even a flicker. No wind in the lungs, thus, no words. The lifeless shell remains, but the intelligence is gone. Perhaps I have been wrong? Perhaps Pablo has been right all along. Perhaps there is a spirit in these seasoned bones.  An eternal flame that continues once the flesh retires. After decades of disbelief, the wheel of life turns and grinds on the truths I've held so dear. The pieces shatter and I suddenly see myself standing on clouds instead of solid earth. Logic, reason, sight, taste, touch, these are all the tools with which I have grounded my atheism. Am I a reflection of a creators creation? Am I an assortment of cells engineered by random design? Or is there actually a lofty holy hand in all of this? If I were created, then the creators signature is in the valves of my heart, the blood that keeps all limbs alive, and the spark of intelligence in my mind. I must say, I have my doubts of the eternal, but I no longer subscribe to the science of atheism with even a micro cell of belief. 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Bam! New book store!

Sometimes, you gotta love screwed up pics. Nerd Chick dun cut this pic on accident. It should actually read, "Bay Books NEW USED RARE". I like it like this though. Anywho, you can get it here: 

Diablo Plaza, 2415 San Ramon Valley Blvd, San Ramon, CA 94583
(925) 855-1524

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Took my own advice...

Picked me up a copy of Harry Potter at a second hand book store. Just started reading about that little fella. I never have been much of a reader, but so many people have told me to read it, I decided I might as well give it a go. So far I'm only in chapter one. Man back in my day, if there was a book about Witches and Warlocks, the local Christian congregations would protest you, burn your book, and brand you a servant of Satan. I suppose things have changed quite a bit. I often find remnants of those days frozen in little towns. You can see the faded coke signs for a quarter. Or a picture of a Hershy bar for a quarter. Sometimes I stumble on an empty gas station where a sign marks gas at 99 cents a gallon. Cant hardly believe those days are gone. Things have got so expensive these days its hard to believe anyone can afford anything. I mean does anyone even own an "A-Team" t-shirt anymore? Do ya'll know who, "Rocky" was? Ever heard of a Vietnam legend named, "Rambo?" If you haven't, you ought to. Well, I gotta get on out. Ya'll take care.

Don't forget to drink your Ovalten and #gettabook: P&P

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Nerd Chick strikes again!

Well if that don't beat all! Sara went and done it again. She got me in yet another bookstore!

3457 McHenry Ave, Modesto, CA 95350
(209) 521-9623

P&P got placed at the YA section. If ya'll can't get on down to the bookstore, you could always getta book here: P&P

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Boyah... new book store!

This here is a fine book store. Leigh's Favorite Books has some great books. And my book just got added to their bookshelves. 

You can find it right next to Harry Potter.

Best part is, it's right next door to Bookasaurus. 

So if you want to pick up some kids books, go next door and get your youngens some good stories. 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Couple things ya'll ought to know...

Here's 4 things I think ya'll ought to know that will help you:

1) Don't devalue yourself. I know it's easy to focus on your weaknesses, but ya'll gotta try and focus on your strengths. Christopher Columbus never would have made it to the America's with doubt in his sails. John Wayne once said, "Life is hard. It's even harder when you're stupid!" Being stupid is telling yourself what you suck at 24/7. Just don't do it. If you want to discover the America's, you gotta have an unyielding belief... some call that faith.

2) Know what opportunity looks like. I bet when Steve Jobs and Bill Gates was first starting out, no one knew how successful them boys was going to be. In fact, if you look at their pictures in their youth, them fellas look like a couple damn hippies. I bet no one knew that opportunity for Steve Jobs was going to India for a year. I bet even fewer people knew what opportunity looked like when he got back and got to work on keyboards in his garage. I bet people started seeing opportunity when it moved out of the garage, got an investor, and started making mad sales. I bet folks truly knew what it looked like when it was in a four story building and cruising in a BMW. By then, most people who could have made mad wealth were gone. They already made their mind up on who Steve Jobs was and that opportunity just passed them by. Same story goes for Bill Gates. When he dropped out of Harvard and moved into a motel in New Mexico, I bet he never thought he would be one of Harvard's most successful Alumni. I bet people around him thought he was crazy, but the truth is, those who knew he wasn't harnessed that opportunity and made mad money doing it. Point of all this... don't judge a book by it's cover!

3) Build value where value players exist. I got a lot of people telling me I aint never going to be able to get my book on a shelf. Them are folks I won't never work with. It's like Joe Dirt said, "you can't have no in your heart!" What if Thomas Edison had no in his heart? Think the light bulb would have got invented? Or motion pictures? Or the radio? Or most electronic devices? Aint now way! Even cell phones require a battery.

4) When you find value players, build value with them. All these men I've highlighted had value. Someone saw their vision and built value with them. By value, I mean if Thomas Edison is working on something called a light bulb and needs zinc and glass, you get that man zinc and glass. If Steve Jobs has a vision about a touch screen device that does a gazillion things, you best start seeing what he's projecting, lest opportunity pass you up. If a nerdy little Harvard dropout starts talking about something crazy called software, I highly suggest you learn about it and get the man what he needs. Course this is hindsight and I know ya'll are going to say it's impossible to know, but the truth is, some people knew and built a crap ton of wealth. That right there is what I'm talking about!

Whew, that was a mouth full. I gotta go, but I hope ya'll like what we talked about here. Go check out my book! Prince & Princess.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

New Years... shmoe years...

I don't give no two craps about New Years. Sure it's tons of fun drinking yourself stupid. It's also bunches of fun getting the beer goggles on and kissing some random chick! But since I aint been able to do that in years, I'm gonna have to say... it sorta sucks! However, in that righteous spirit of setting goals, I got some new ones. Please see below:

1) Re-evaluate my position on God (Audrey is a might convincing)

2) Let my daughter know I love her (even if she aint really my daughter)

3) Get my book in every bookstore and supermarket on either side of the Mississippi.

4) Make bank selling my books on Amazon.

5) Drink less... fish more!

Pretty short list, but goals is hard to make and harder to keep. I think I'll keep it loosey goosey! Have a good un!